archive & augenzeugen: UHUSHUHU - Zvirat/Zoharum (Di, 02.04.24, 14-15 uhr)

Aus technischen gründen kann das v.o. album nicht abgespielt werden.Dafür dies, auch bei zoharum herausgekommen.Das label schreibt dazu: "The newest album is the second UHUSHUHU release in the Zoharum catalog. This time, Pavel Dombrowski invited Lilia Akivenson to cooperate, who, in addition to her synthesizer parts, was also author of photos and the graphic design.
The album contains five long compositions in the convention that this project has become accustomed to, which fit perfectly into the drone/ambient style. The material was recorded in Kazakhstan and in this form is something like a diary from a long journey into the unknown, like a record of emotions, experiences and thoughts illustrated using sound, which is the most universal language that musicians use to convey their narrative to listeners. A deep, reflective and meditative album, not only for fans of ambient music, but also for people sensitive to the subtle, ethereal and ascetic in its form, music flowing from the depths of the soul... "
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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